Monday, 13 October 2008

October 2008 Showreel

So here it is, my new showreel with the Animal Planet and Hellboy 2 stuff on there. There wll be an update as soon as the Solomon Kane character animation I did becomes available!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Hellboy 2 and Animal Planet

Hi folks I can't get this stuff on embedded direct, as I'm waiting for DVD release on Hellboy 2 so the best I can do for now is the bold links below!

(spears, blade, character roto and dust animation in the second half of the reel)

(dog, meerkat, shark and lettering animation)

We've also finished Solomon Kane at Lip Sync Post too, but again it's gonna be a while before that shows up, but hopefully soon I'll have (YET!) another reel up ready for my next batch of jobs apps.

I've had an awesome time again at LipSync so once again cheers to Andy and Stef for trusting my animation skills enough to let me loose on their work, the rest of the 3D Boys and everybody else who had to queue behing me for peanut butter on toast in the kitchen.

"Dust, people, dust!!!!"

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

New Showreel May 2008

Here's my new showreel then:-

Can't put most of the stuff I've actually done over the past 7 weeks on it, but hopefully one day will become available to you the general public.

Monday, 21 April 2008

Cobra Strike

Well, here it is the cobra strike.

Props out (in the words of Westwood and big Trev Nelson) to Andy Morley at Lipsyncpost for giving me the opportunity to animate there, James Nichols for doing the modeling and texture mapping and showing me how to assign UV texture maps (can't wait to see the final model when the texturing is finished), and Jon Wood for the lighting, spotlights rule and good to see my T2 lighting toned down slightly.

And her's a few stills from the sequence:-

So, there you go a work in progress looking OK.

Cheers guys.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Car crash test

Been away for a while as I've been doing an internship / some freelance work at Lip Sync Post in London. It's been pretty busy (well as busy as you can be when your machine is rendering - so many cups of tea), working on a variety of things including Hellboy 2, a cobra animation for the company showreel, and this.

It's just a quick test sequence for a girl basically being hit by a car in a street scene, just to see what it might look like. Know it probably doensn't look amazing, but it's more of a blockamatic almost, but taught me how to basic texture, and got me used to planning shots and working with cameras.

Anyhow I'll stick up the rest once it's available, had some technical issues with fcheck Tiff's. So and sos.

Sorry folks had to delete this due to copyright stuff! Peas out.

Thursday, 6 March 2008

Tuesday, 12 February 2008



Another piece taken from reference footage shot at home. Again once keyed in, certain poses were exaggerated, as well as positions adjusted to give a better looking strike of the ball etc.

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Throw Animation

Another piece of animation done from reference footage. I shot this out in the garden, and then put it into a quicktime movie for easy reference.

The actual throw is speeded up from 25 frames per second of action, compressing the same movement down to 15 frames of action. Whereas the follow through and walk back remains 'normal' or 'real' paced. A few of the poses and actions are also a bit more exaggerated than the original footage too, as this is supposed to be aniamtion and not rotoscoping.

Also rejigged my jump down, for aquicker air movement, and re rendered it too:-

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

New Showreel After Renders

So here's another reel. Been doing more stuff, and tightening up the timing and animation on a few others. Hope it does seem tighter and neater than other reels though.

Monday, 21 January 2008


Okay, I've just decided to render a few odds and ends here for the reel. So here they are with a few tweaks on the animation too:-


Matthew Perry - "Cartoon"

Steve Carrell - "Relationships"


Wolf Run

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

New Showreel

Right, as a result of the last couple of pieces I've done here's the traditional new showreel. Let us know what you think guys and gals, music by Simian Mobile Disco!

Jump Down With Stumble

Back again, so just spent couple of days doing this jump. Shot a piece of reference footage for this of me jumping in the garden from one of the plinths. Will try and load that up as well. In the meantime here's the end result.

Weirdley noticed the character looks like Tal ben Haim or Dan Jackson!