Tuesday, 16 June 2009

July 2009 Public Reel

Well it's been a while since I've posted, just got back from Barcelona and am still currently on the hunt for jobs. BUT got clearance to show some test creature work I did, so hopefully you'll enjoy having a look at the two new snake sequences in the reel.

I was given a pretty free rein on this by my old boss Andy Morley and producer Stef Drury, so picked the backplate film for the python to work on, and how to animate the cobra. Good times recording scary snake voices into the Apple Mac!

Showreel Breakdown

Shot 1,2 & 3 - Hellboy 2
Weapon tip replacement and main Hellboy character roto animation for shading and lighting, as well as dust particle collision animation.

Shot 4 - Jungle Book Python Test
Motion path animation, using CV curve deformers. Camera track setup completed as well.

Shot 5, 6 & 7 - Animal Planet Dog and Meerkat Idents
Quadruped and Biped rig set, soft skinning and all character animation by Nick Hanks.

Shot 8, 9 & 10 - Jungle Book Cobra Test
Motion Path and Lip Sync Character Animation completed by Nick Hanks, also lighting shading rig set up.

Shot 11 - Animal Planet Shark Ident
Rig, camera setup and animation by Nick Hanks.

Shot 12 - 16 Hellboy 2
Weapon tip replacement and main Hellboy character roto animation for shading and lighting, as well as dust particle collision animation.

Shot 17-18 Spitfire
All spitfire and camera animation by Nick Hanks

Shot 19 - 24 Personal Animations
All character and lipsync animation, lighting and rendering by Nick Hanks, using own reference footage shot with camcorder.